How can air filter effects on overall system pressure drop be predicted?
Thermal analysis software is available for thermal / mechanical designers to simulate and predict cooling requirements. The thermal software packages, configured with component thermal libraries, enable users to predict pressure drop through air filter elements quickly and accurately. Universal Air Filter has provided filtration performance data to thermal analysis software suppliers, including Flotherm, Icepak, Macroflow and Coolit, so that filter thermal libraries could be incorporated in their software. Thermal libraries can now be used early in the design process to enhance the accuracy of the thermal analysis.
The trend towards smaller chassis and higher wattage has increased the demand for more data. Thermal modeling software packages are capable of factoring in the effect an air filter has on system pressure drop. Upon request, Universal can provide filter pressure drop and filtration performance data.
Air filter initial resistance and dust loading data can be a valuable resource in determining air filter performance and reliability. It can be to the OEM designer’s advantage to specify Universal air filters to satisfy a broad range of electronics and industrial application