Understand Your Options with 3D CAD Filter Design Tools
Universal Air Filter offers free, online 3D CAD tools to make it easy for engineers to design and download air filter CAD files. The tool also allows users to request quotes and prototypes of the filters designed using the 3D CAD tools.
UAF’s 3D CAD tools allow engineers to design and download the 3D CAD model in the most common file formats. Users can ‘request a quote‘ easily by submitting their drawings within the online design tool. Prototypes can also be requested directly through the tool. Most prototypes ship within 10 business days.

The tools are ideal for basic, rectangular shapes, but will not support atypical or complex filter designs. However, UAF’s engineers will help design any filter shape your application requires – at no charge. They can also help with media selection, technical data, compliance guidance, inclusion of tabs and pull handles to improve ease of filter maintenance, special finishes, and provide any other design support your application needs.
Start designing your air filter using the UAF 3D CAD tools or contact UAF’s staff engineers to arrange for design support and consultation.